Artist Guide: Am I an Artist?

Artist Guide: Am I an Artist?

The Artist stereotype

When I tell people I’m an artist they have this image in their mind of what that means. My assumption of what this image looks like is the artist stereotype; someone that has a natural art talent and is struggling to make ends meet while covered in paint. This is a false stereotype!

The Artist Reality

You don't need to be struggling, have years of training, share your art, or have a natural talent to be an artist. In fact, you don't need to make art your profession or source of income to be an artist. An artist can be someone who likes to play with paint and dabble with ceramics. Or someone who has a passion for making handmade items like blankets, soaps, candles, paintings, drawings, and the list could go on. The term "Artist" isn’t a label reserved for an "elite class of fine artists". Sure, It can include them, but it isn't limited to only them.

That's why I genuinely believe that to be an artist one simply needs to make art.


BUT,  do I need to make good art to be an artist?

In a single word, NO. I mean, what even is good art? One person's idea of good art could be another person's idea of bad art. What makes art "good" is totally subjective. Why should we worry about making someone else’s ideas of "good art" when we can focus on making art that feels good to us? That's the magic of being an artist, you are in control of your art.

So, if "good art" is determined by the individual, that means "good art" is what the artist (You, you're the artist I'm talking about!). chooses to make.


Which brings us back to where we began: do I need to make good art to be an artist?

We could keep going in the same circle, but instead I'll give you what I think is the easiest and best answer — if you create something, then you can call yourself an artist. Are you interested in crafts? Are you a painter? Do you like to draw? Do you love clay? Are you a printmaker? I could fill a page with all the things you can do to be called an artist. So embrace the title if you'd like! You are an Artist!

Okay Artist, keep having fun and make some stuff!!


- Heather :)


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