Artist Guide:  Facing the Blank Page

Artist Guide: Facing the Blank Page

Another Blank Page?!

Ahhh. The dreaded blank page… I think we’ve all been there at least once (surely you’ve been there if you’re reading this article). For me the blank page freeze, as I call it, happens more often than I like to admit.

Most often it happens when I get the sudden urge to create something. Usually, I’m feeling really good and suuuuuper confident (like oh yeah, I’m gonna paint some awesome things kinda vibe), but by the time I’ve gotten my supplies out and am sitting at my space ready to begin I look down and see the blank page staring at me and I freeze.

Suddenly I’m overcome with thoughts of doubt, “Am I good enough? I know I’ve seen someone else doing this same thing… Am I copying them? Does it matter? Am I even an artist? Do I know how to use this material? Where do I start?”. If any of those doubts resonated with you then keep reading!

Overcoming the Blank Page Freeze

Here are a collection of exercises I’ve developed that help me get started when I encounter the blank page freeze. If you give them a try, I think they will help you too! Here We Go!

Stand up and shake it out.

Do some stretches, do a funny dance, just do something to shake out those doubtful thoughts!

Make a mark.

The best way to overcome the freeze is to make a mark. Any mark. It can be an angry mark or a happy mark. A quick mark or a slow mark. A mark with breaks or a solid mark.

Set a timer.

I like to set a timer for between 2 and 5 minutes and while the timer is running I have to consistently be moving my drawing utensil. I don’t have to be making a good something, but I have to be making marks on the paper.

Fill the page.

Whether you’re filling the page with patterns or color the goal here is to fill the entire page. (this one is my favorite!)

Only use one color.

Choosing colors can be one of the most daunting tasks. So choose one (or use black!) and start drawing!

Mix and Match.

Combine any of these constraints or add your own. The important thing is to find something that works for you! (my way isn’t the only way!)


There you have it! Five exercises to help you to get started when encountering the blank page freeze. Remember, you don’t have to use every tool at the same time! Only use what works for you and feel free to change it up if you need to!

Happy drawing!! 

- Heather :)


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