Artist Guide: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Artist Guide: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Maybe you’ve heard the term imposter syndrome at some point or maybe you’ve felt the effects of it (I know I battle with it!).

If you aren’t aware of what imposter syndrome is…it’s basically feeling like you aren’t good enough to be doing something or questioning if you are qualified enough to do something (the something we are talking about is being an artist).

It’s often directly connected to comparing ourselves to what others are doing and feeling like we don’t do something as well as they do or don’t have the same talent as them (it’s real and social media doesn’t help the feeling). The best advice I can give on how to overcome imposter syndrome is to stop comparing the things you do to what you see others doing on Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, or any other form of social media! I know this is so much easier said than done, but trust me it’s possible.


These are a few things I've found that help me overcome imposter syndrome.

I wrote them in the order that works best for me, so feel free to jump around and change the order as you need it. Here We Go! :)


Make something!

I know the thought of making something when you feel like you aren’t qualified to be doing it is difficult, but trust me it will help! This helps validate that I am an artist to myself. For me I start to feel imposter syndrome when I feel like I'm doing things that aren't arty enough (whatever that means? lol). Sometimes I have to make a fews things before the feeling goes away and other times I make one thing and I'm like wow! I'm so good at art, I love this! and I feel much better.


Take a break from social media!

It’s important to have time away from social media and give yourself a space to create without your mind being consumed with what others are doing. This is essential for creating original work you are proud of without always having to compare it to someone who most likely has been doing this for more years than you. Give it a shot, you might be surprised at how freely you’re able to create without the constant inflow of other people’s creativity.


Compliment yourself!

Yes, give yourself a compliment or two or three. Sit down with your creations and write down or say aloud a few compliments about them. Giving yourself a compliment will help you remember your strengths and give yourself credit for your accomplishments! (It’s important to recognize what an amazing artist you are!)


Be open!

Talk to a fellow artist about how your imposter syndrome, you might be surprised to find out they’re feeling the same way! Sometimes having someone that understands what you’re talking about makes it easier to overcome. And, if they don't feel that way, hopefully they can give you a pep talk to help you remember you ARE and good Artist.


These aren’t the only ways to overcome this feeling, but they are definitely a good place to start!

Take the parts that help you and forget the ones that don’t. But remember, you are entitled to create as long as you have ideas regardless of your training, education, or skill level. Being an artist isn’t a secret club with a password to gain entry, it’s using our creative energy and owning it. So own it, make stuff, and call yourself an artist!


- Heather :)


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